Lend a Hand

The more people lend a hand, the more we can achieve. You can help us achieve more by offering any kind of help, whether that is regularly, or just occasionally.  Here are some ideas….

  • Practical conservation work. See our list of upcoming sessions.
  • Help with writing or designing materials such as newsletters, leaflets and posters.
  • Developing timed walks that we can offer as a leaflet on our website.
  • Researching issues, from water pollution in the Panny / Northbrook, through to the history of the area.
  • Communications, using social media, traditional media, visits, talks and so on.
  • Funding, writing applications for funding grants.
  • Building relationships with local groups and organisations. This could be a speciality, e.g. working with local schools or with local businesses.
  • Being a member of our Steering Group. Find out more about the role of the Steering Group.

If you are interested in having a chat about the kinds of things we are doing and what you might do, please email us at [email protected] with your phone number and we will give you ring.