Ludwell Life

We are an independent community group, formed in 2016, wanting to protect and increase the social and environmental value of Ludwell Valley Park – for people and for wildlife.

We work to support and help guide the future development of Ludwell Valley Park as a natural conservation area that is kept safe, clean and attractive for the benefit of all its users including visitors and its human and non-human residents.

Our aims are that:

  1. More local people know about, use and value Ludwell Valley Park.
  2. More local people are actively engaged in activities which seek to protect and improve the park.
  3. There is a network of Park users reporting issues to the relevant organisations. There is network of local people who act as the reporting and monitoring ‘eyes and ears’ of the various agencies and organisations with responsibility for services and functions: Devon Wildlife Trust, Exeter City Council, Devon County Council, the Environment Agency and Natural England. Fly tipping, vandalism, flooding, repairs needed etc, are promptly reported by people who use the Park to the relevant authority. There is guidance, eg FAQs in leaflets and online and on signs, on how to report issues, and to whom.
  4. Improved interpretation of and opportunities to appreciate wildlife, social and historical elements. More detailed and varied information about what is in the Park and its past history is easily available, both within the Park, and via leaflets, and online / social media. There is ‘live’ information eg about bird and other sightings, also easily available, and people can contribute to this information easily. There is better explanation of why people are being asked to not go in certain areas, or keep dogs on leads in certain areas.
  5. A range of cultural, leisure, artistic and fun events are normally held in the Park.
  6. Individuals, groups and organisations that manage, use and/or care about Ludwell Valley Park, work effectively together for the benefit of the Park, its people and its wildlife.
  7. Ludwell Life provides a strong voice on issues and activities that impact on Ludwell Valley Park.