Orchard Donations
How to donate
- By BACS transfer (Ludwell Life bank account. Sort code 089299. Account 65802913)
- By cheque, payable to Ludwell Life. Post to D Robertson, 28 Parkland Drive, Exeter EX25
Donate an orchard tree
We welcome donations or sponsorship to buy one or more trees for the community orchard. For anyone considering a tree as a memorial or marker of something or someone, please note that it is not possible to dedicate any one tree, or mark it with a plaque. This is because of the need to maintain the natural environment and ‘feel’ of Ludwell Valley Park for the benefit of all visitors and wildlife alike. Using this approach, Ludwell Life is able to make the best use of any dedicated donations you are kind enough to give.
Anyone donating a tree to the orchard will be able to place a message on the special webpage on the Ludwell Life website, with their message / dedication, and will also receive a certificate of the donation and if wishes, the reason for it, from Ludwell Life.
To cover the costs of buying and planting a tree for our orchard, (with essential tree guard), costs £225 but we have an agreement with Devon Wildlife Trust that we can plant a tree in the orchard for a donation of £150. We welcome donations for any amount towards a tree and encourage you to think about a joint tree purchase across members of a family, a social group, business or organisation.