Friends of Ludwell Life
Friends of Ludwell Life make a small annual payment to support what we are trying to do, and help us achieve more, sooner. Having Friends helps us by:
- Providing core funding for essential group running costs. Everyone involved is a volunteer, but taking action inevitably costs money, not all of which can be covered by applying for grants (which we also do).
- Increasing the strength of our collective voice when we deal with the many organisations that impact on Ludwell Valley Park
- Creating a pool of potential help, from fundraising through to practical conservation work, researching local issues, or helping with a specific project.

Be a Friend
If you would like to become a Friend of Ludwell Life, or to continue to be a Friend, the most helpful way to do this is to make a BACs payment to Ludwell Life, account number 65802913, sort code 089299. The annual subscription is £13 for a couple or £8 for a single. Higher contributions/donations are, of course, welcome. Please let us have your email address and please also note that if you sign up to be a Friend you will be added to our mailing list to receive our newsletters, unless you tell us otherwise.
If you prefer not to use the internet for making payments, please download and complete this form (pdf).