The Panny Path Project

This is a project of improvement works that ran between February and April 2019.

Thanks to a generous grant from Wilko, (funded by their carrier bag charge), Ludwell Life have led a project to improve the lovely but neglected path that runs alongside the Panny. Keep Britain Tidy and Exeter City Council were also part of the project team.

These improvements should hopefully make the path more attractive to local residents, help them feel safer using it, and of course improve the habitat for the local wildlife too.

What’s happened?

The work done includes:

  • freshening up the Panny bridge, entrance to Ludwell Valley Park
  • creating at least two new seating areas by the Panny
  • improving the Panny path so it is wider and drains better in winter
  • planting a new mini-woodland
  • creating two new paths  from the Panny up to the playing fields
  • installing bat and bird boxes
  • an archway to ‘sign the way’ towards Ludwell Valley Park
  • replacing the ugly metal gateway on the Ludwell side of the Panny bridge with an attractive and more user-friendly wooden gateway

Look at our Facebook page has an album showing the works in progress